BGA Demo Day: February 2021

BGA Demo Day: February 2021

February 26th at 4PM CET

Join the BGA every last Friday of each month to discover new blockchain games, products and service companies from our members. Attend the live event for a chance to win special prizes and giveaways!

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BGA Game Demo Days go LIVE every last Friday of the month at 4pm CET.

Discover some of the most exciting Games, Products and Service Companies from our Blockchain Game Alliance members!

Join live for a chance to win special prizes & giveaways and learn more about the companies presenting their projects, game or services.

RVSP to attend

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Prizes and Giveaways

This month we are going to host a live demo of the following projects:


16:00 –16:05 A word from the BGA President, Sebastien Borget
16:05 –16:15 Stater,
16:15 –16:25 Antler Interactive,
16:25 –16:35 Quorum Control GmbH,
16:35 –16:45 CryptoPick,
16:45 –16:55 The Dapp List,
16:55 –17:05 TradeStars,
17:05 –17:15 Tatum,